Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar Reynella

Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar is located in the Southgate Plaza Shopping Centre . You can order online at, by phone 8326 6166

Crust Gourmet Pizza Bar Reynella is located in the Southgate Plaza Shopping Centre. You can order online at, by phone 8326 6166 or come visit us - we have an outdoor dining area which accommodates 20.

We also do catering outside of our opening hours, you can email us your catering orders to - we'll just need 24 hours notice and depending on your location / order size we may even deliver it to you.

Be sure to 'like us' and watch this space for special offers, competitions and all things pizza!

Pizza shouldn’t leave you feeling greasy and ashamed. It should be a delicious way to eat when life’s too busy or you simply just fancy your favourite. It used to be that you had to choose between a quality pizza or home delivery. Not any more. At Crust we bring restaurant quality gourmet pizzas, piping hot to your door. Join the legions of Crust fans and sign up to enjoy the guilt-free pleasure of the best home delivered pizza you’ve ever eaten. Really.

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